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Ranching Opportunities, Feb 4 2016

Below is a list of our speakers and the subject of their presentation. There will be lots of time through out the day to visit with colleagues and experts. There will also be a number of booths set up with product demonstrations to be viewed during the breaks.

8:30 to 9:00  Registration


9:00 to 9:15  Welcome & Announcements

3:00 to 4:30

Producer Panel, Winter Feeding


Sean LaBrie, Greg Selzler, and Glen Stankievich will participate in a panel discussion moderated by Grant Lastiwka. They will be comparing different winter grazing  possibilities. Advantages/disadvantages including financials.


10:30 to 12:30 AM (Note: one begins at 10:30 and one at 11:30)

Break out Sessions 


There are 3 sessions but only 2 time periods so you will need to choose 2 of the 3. The sessions are:


1. Cattle Handling Demo 

       Curt Pate is an experienced stockman that will demonstrate low stress cattle handling. You can find information about him on his website.


2. How Is Your Beef Hanging

     Brad McLeod with the Olds College meat lab will show producers what actually come from a beef and why some cuts are more valuable than others.


3. FarmOn-Community of Support

     Ben Wilson will talk about the online community and how it may help you with your organization. Checkout the FarmOn Website.

10:00 to 10:30 Coffee Break / Trade Show

1:30 to 2:30

Nick Black, Alberta consumers, Understanding what they want


Nick Black managing partner of Intensions Consulting.  There company has surveyed alberta consumers so he will speak about what they are really saying.


12:30 to 1:30 Lunch / Trade Show

2:30 to 3:00 Coffee Break / Trade Show

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